Meteor detection with radio
A brief explanation
Radio Astronomy:
Radio astronomy is the sub-area of astronomy that studies the universe between 30 MHz and 700 GHz with radio waves. Instead of expensive receivers you can create a good receiver for meteors with a simple piece of hardware and a laptop. In particular I concentrate on Neutral Hydrogen. 1420.405 Mhz with my 1.5-1.9 meter dish
You can't capture a meteor itself with radio, but you can record the so-called ionization track that a meteor leaves behind. In France there is the Graves transmitter that broadcasts a specific carrier. We can capture the reflected signal with SDR (Software Defined Radio). So you can detect meteors that you cannot see because of the distance.
For that you need an antenna. I use a 4 Elements 2 meter band Yagi antenna on a rotor.
Also I do have a 4 elements 6 meter Yagi and a remote controlled 1.9 meter dish on rotor for neutral Hydrogen detection with SDR# and VIRGO software
A receiver, nowadays we use a RTL-SDR USB dongle.
And software, One application to convert the signal to audio and one to make a spectrum using FFT (Fast Fourier Analysis).
I use CubicSDR and SpecLab (under Wine on an Apple iMac.)