latest update januari 2023 bootids video page 2023
added CAMS & Dourbes pictures Orionids 2022
Added audio from ISS voice August 2022 under 'audio'
FINISHED MY 1.5 Radio Dish site
with results and photos and documentation.
june 12 2019: Moon bounce added
june 17 2019 ISS flyby added
Dourbes & Ieper beacons received
weird tone received in 'Other' and nice dense trails in July meteor link
added Cygnids Graves and Dourbes
New ISS SSTV and videos of Perseids 3 weeks long added
audio air traffic Cahors France / perseids /ISS_SSTV added
3 weeks of moonbounces in movie added (under moonbounces page 2)
Perseids August 2019 added under meteors
ISS SSTV, k-aquarides, eranides added
Weather satellites added
Orionids added
Spacelink added
Orionids, Leonids, ISS added
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